Submitted by: William V. Scott Come and Take It Weekend was well attended in Gonzales Pioneer Village on October 5& 6, 2013 with over 60 participants in attendance. As has become tradition, the participating reenactors started the day’s festivities in the annual Come and Take It Parade which was followed by living history in Gonzales Pioneer Village. About 3PM with extreme heat in the forecast the town debates themselves became heated leading into the Reenactment of the Famous Skirmish that was narrated by Dennis Riedesel, as the slogan “Come and Take It” was shouted. The following members were present D. Howard, B. King, K. Milton, R. Saunders, D. Scott, J. Scott, W. Scott, A. Tucker, C. Tucker, Nicole Tucker, D. Vickers, E. Vickers, J. Vickers, L. Vickers. In closing, three cheers go out to David Scott, who is the Gonzales Come and Take It Reenactment Event Coordinator for a great event.